
Hme wild game cleaner
Hme wild game cleaner

The front quarters, including shanks (lower legs), along with other small scraps and neck trimmings are great candidates for ground burger or sausage.

hme wild game cleaner

As a rule of thumb, the best steaks and roasts come from the backstraps and meatiest parts of the hindquarters. It’s totally your call how you proceed from here. When you’re finally standing in front of a deer skeleton, bring the hunks of meat to a clean cutting surface for detail work. If you’re ambitious, render the fat to make candles or soap. How about that waxy white fat? In flavor terms, I’d argue your safest bet is to feed it to the birds, as deer fat can vary immensely in taste from decent to disgusting. Ditch any parts that don’t look appealing, especially surrounding the wound cavity. I recommend removing the inner loins (eat instantly for immediate gratification) and backstraps first, then the front and hindquarters, followed by trimming the remaining scraps, neck meat and ribs (yes, you can get some hardy meals from those lean ribs).

hme wild game cleaner

This is when you get to decide what cuts will become steaks, roasts, chops, burger or something new that you decide to invent. We knowingly choose to endure all this rigmarole, but when our hard-earned meal finally hits the ground, we get lazy? We sweat, shiver, smile, and swear until we stumble into sweet success. We spend money on boots, guns, ammo, bows, broadheads, tags, and fuel to get us into the field for a chance at killing something. So why, then, do folks think it’s acceptable to handle wild game in this manner? Most of us-myself included-would deem this unacceptable for sanitary reasons, and because the quality/taste of meat can be easily compromised. Then, what if it was cut open in the field, dragged through the dirt, hauled around town in the back of a pickup truck, hung up with its hide on while the butcher (hunter) takes a break for dinner-and then skinned and cut into edible portions of meat hours after it expired. Now imagine if a cow took a bullet through the lungs, ran off, and died. This process is calculated and controlled every step of the way-USDA regulators and consumers demand it. Consider beef that’s slaughtered and packaged for grocery store shelves.

Hme wild game cleaner