
How do i uninstall bluestacks from windows 10
How do i uninstall bluestacks from windows 10

In order to uninstall Bluestacks, simply click on the Windows key and click on the Settings icon. Then, it’s just a matter of reinstalling Bluestacks and checking if the problem is fixed after that. If restarting and updating Bluestacks did not fix the “error has occurred” glitch, the next step that you want to do is to completely remove the application from the system. Solution #3: Delete and reinstall Bluestacks.

how do i uninstall bluestacks from windows 10

  • Click on the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) at the top.
  • If you want to know how to check for updates, follow these steps: To ensure that you only download the latest version of Bluestacks, you can either uninstall bluestacks, or manually check if the application is yet to be updated. Solution #2: Update the Bluestacks app.Īnother simple solution that you need to try is to ensure that you’re running an updated app. In some cases, this is an effective way to get rid of minor bugs. To do that, you need to force quit your Bluestacks app using the Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) and then start it back up.

    how do i uninstall bluestacks from windows 10 how do i uninstall bluestacks from windows 10

    One of the basic fixes that you must do when getting any error message in Bluestacks is to ensure that you refresh the app.

    How do i uninstall bluestacks from windows 10